
Intimacy is not something only physical. Intimacy is when you can touch someone’s soul, when you know them inside out, when you know there is no need for physical touch because you’ve touched what no one else could and that is the person’s heart.

How often two people fall in love but are yet on two different pages. One part asks for more the other doesn’t. For one part physical attachment is important and for the other it is important but doesn’t come in the priority list.

Recently i’ve been talking to a few people who’re in love with their partners. For a few reaching to the next level of relationship and getting physically close and ‘intimate’ was not required in the budding stage of their love life. They were quite sure if any such thing happens they’d get married soon. Where as today as the few years passed for the same person it gets frustrating if ‘nothing happens’ (read sex) after such long time.
I agree sex is must. It bonds people well, you get to know you’re compatible or not. But again it can’t be the sole reason of any relationship or say the people term it ‘love life’.
And for a few friends of mine staying far away on long distance relationship all the matters is staying loyal in love. Spending time together, holding hands and being there for each other is what matters the most. And ‘physical intimacy’ is not even on the cards. They say it’s not something you need to discuss and plan on when to do it.

Personally am the second type of friends of mine. I don’t think sex needs to be planned nor does any form of physical closeness. It happens when it has to happen. In a moment if i would feel like giving my boyfriend a hug i will if i would want to give a peek on his cheek i will if not i won’t and same goes for him.. If he feels like he can. I honestly feel holding hands is the best kind of physical intimacy.
But then again why do we label intimacy to physical touch? Won’t you feel more ‘intimate’ with a person who knows you, your heart and with whom your soul connects. Someone with whom you love spending time. Someone with whom things just appear perfect. Someone with whom you don’t put any effort. Someone who knows your shallow most level and accepts you in it.
It’s rare to find such a person. So when you do don’t let them go.


I fell in love the way you fall asleep; slowly and all at once!

Often you meet people who bring all good in you! They know your flaws and your goods also the hidden things. They show you the truth, truth you knew deep inside but don’t ever accept it. They bring out the truth in a way that you accept it happily.

No matter how hard you try not falling for them but eventually you land up inside the never ending pit!

Such a person is one to hold on for life if you happen to meet them…


It’s September after all!


It’s September after all!
2015 will come to an end in four months.
If life had been tough on you all this while, take a deep breath , make a wish and smile.
For life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.
