
Second attempt at fiction.

“When things start going good,
You always cross my mind.
We don’t speak now,
But i can’t leave you behind.
Somewhere at the back of my head,
Your voice always plays.
I think they’ll get mute
Only when am dead.”


All flaws and no goodness

And there are those times when you have lots of it filled in your heart but you hardly have the courage to let it out in words. Not by speech not in writing.

Why does it happen that one starts feeling so hollow and so alone at times? Why does it happen that you can not see any good in you?
Why does anyone you meet points out your flaws at every step you take?
It starts feeling that every step taken every decision made or anything done is wrong for everyone and they start pointing at the flaws. Just the flaws.
Why all of a sudden people who’s trust who’s support matters the world to you are the ones to not trust you and find a hundred different flaws and negativities in you?

Seriously why?
Does a human being really turns that bad and is left with no goodness? Is there nothing good in that human now? There has to be something. Something.
Because, if there is not. Why is that person still alive? Shouldn’t that person be dead by now?
And since the person is not dead someone needs to remind the person of the goodness left inside them. That’s the only possible way to help that human get over the flaws. A low self esteemed person does no good to itself.